What is the BF-LGRA passport?

The Biker Friendly Passport gives access to special discounts at Biker Friendly collaborating establishments on the Great Andalusian Route and the rest of Spain. It also allows you to participate in an annual draw for weekend accommodation for two people at a Biker Friendly establishment in its network of associates.

To participate in the annual draw, which takes place every year at the end of January, the passport must have a minimum of 11 boxes stamped, one per province. Passports that have all the boxes stamped will automatically and free of charge receive a diploma and a gift.

To prove your stamps you must send us a photo of each of the points where you have made them or tag Biker Friendly in your Social Network publications.

The passport can be stamped at town halls and tourist offices that are members of the Biker Friendly Network of Andalusia, as well as at collaborating companies.

If you have already purchased the book and want to get a 25% discount on the passport, all you have to do is contact Biker Friendly via WhatsApp +34 663295821

If you do not have the book - there will be no discount - and you want to request the passport, indicate that you are a user of the LGRA website.

How to proceed with it?

The first thing to keep in mind is that Biker Friendly passports are completely personalized, which means you cannot buy more than one per person.

If you belong to a group and would like to buy several, or if you have the slightest doubt, the easiest thing is to contact us:

Call or WhatsApp: +34 607 649 652

E-mail: gestion@bikerfriendly.es

And, as we said, if you already bought the book; Don't forget to get the 25% discount code.

Once everything is clarified, you can obtain your passport HERE.